
Machine Learning Foundations and Applications

Sub No. : AI42001
LTP: 3-0-3
Credits: 5

Prerequisite : NA

Taught by : Plaban Kumar Bhowmik, Jiaul Hoque Paik, Mahesh Mohan M R

Teaching Assistents :

Rajkrishan Ghosh; Trishita Mukherjee;  Sista Raviteja; Soumyadipta Banerjee

Supervised Learning: K-nearest Neighbor, Linear and Logistic Regression, Neural Networks, Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Bagging, Adaboost, Perceptron and Support Vector Machine

Unsupervised Learning: K-means, agglomerative and hierarchical clustering, Spectral clustering, Gaussian Mixture Model

Other topics: semi-supervised learning, dimensionality reduction, Bayesian Network

Lab: Implementation of the above concepts on different datasets